


Roma Rights in Moldova and Lack of Legal Culture

Episode #5 of the Cu DREPTuL podcast offers an insight into most common rights violations in the Roma population



How to Identify and Advance Equitable Social Norms in GBV Context

The first of a series of How To Notes brings guidance on identifying, exploring, and monitoring shifts in social norms in order to generate positive change in gender-based violence context



Bringing Investigative Journalists and Prosecutors together in BiH

BiH prosecutors need to act more proactively in detecting and investigating corruption based on open-source information

Bosnia and Herzegovina


New Law on Non-Profits in Moldova and What That Means for CSOs

The adoption of the law on non-profit organizations in June 2020 is the most important change for the Moldovan civil society in the past year



Mediation in Moldova, a Fast Alternative for Dispute Settlement

Although mediation is already well-established in many states, widely used alongside traditional justice, it is a fledgling dispute resolution practice in Moldova



Strengthening Judicial Capacity to Fight Human Trafficking in BiH

Human trafficking is a growing global issue and the most lucrative form of organized crime, generating more than $150 billion annually on the black market

Bosnia and Herzegovina


New e-tool for BiH Prosecutors to spot-check public procurements for corruption

New portal a potential source of information for prosecutors on suspicious, non-transparent or illegal public procurement

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Making Voices of Domestic Violence Victims Heard in Moldova

Every third woman in Moldova has been victim of violence at least once in her life. Most often, in their families, as statistics shows



CARE-GBV Small Grants Program

USAID Collective Action to Reduce Gender-Based Violence (CARE-GBV) initiative launched a small grants program. Deadline for applications March 17, 2021.


Season's Greetings!

Happy holidays from the DPI team!


JSSP Completed - Leaves a Legacy of a Transparent and Inclusive Judiciary in Kosovo

USAID Justice System Strengthening Program (JSSP) ended it’s five-year run this November, leaving a valuable legacy with the Kosovo judiciary.



Open Justice Project Completed, Support for Modern and Transparent Moldovan Judiciary Acknowledged

Over the past three years, the Moldovan judiciary has benefited from $7.5 million worth of assistance from the American people through the USAID Open Justice Project



Feteh Launches ICT Support Initiative for Federal Courts

Feteh officially launched its ICT Expansion Support for the Federal Courts, developing a new Case Management Information System and Digital Records and Archive Information System.



‘My Court’ Webpage Provides Kosovo Citizens On-line Access to Court Information and Services

With the support of USAID Judicial Systems Strengthening Program, Kosovo citizens can now have a unique insight into their court system with information and services available on-line, at their new home on the internet - the “My Court" portal.



Videoconferencing Keeps Moldovan Courts Operational Amid COVID Crisis

Videoconferencing was first piloted in Moldovan courts and penitentiaries in November 2018. Since then, approximately 8.500 remote court hearings have been conducted, making considerable savings in costs related to transporting and escorting detainees to court hearings.



Support for Court Transparency and Access to Justice in Serbia

On October 26, 2020, the USAID Rule of Law Project organized a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Information Point installed in the Belgrade Higher Court to enable easy access for citizens to information necessary for their interactions with the court.



Informing the Public on Crime and Corruption Case Processing Amid the Pandemic

Pandemic or not, high-profile organized crime and corruption cases generate public attention and media coverage that judicial institutions cannot leave unattended and without a proper response. 

Bosnia and Herzegovina


USAID’s JSSP in Kosovo Helps with Online Access to Court Case Status

USAID Judicial Systems Strengthening Program delivered many milestones in partnership with judicial institutions in Kosovo related to improved efficiency, and greater transparency of court operations. The latest achievement includes the development of a case lookup tool.



Training on the New Administrative Procedure Law

Feteh organized a comprehensive training program on the new Administrative Procedure Law for Ministers, heads of administrative agencies, senior government officials, experts of administrative agencies, and Attorney General Office (AGO) attorneys and personnel.



Online Hearings Become a Reality for Kosovo Courts

The pandemic has changed the way we function in both our private and professional lives in more ways than one. Operating in a virtual environment has also become a reality for Kosovo courts this summer as the first remote hearing took place in the Basic Court of Ferizaj in July.

